Pedro Rodrigues

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A reason to write

I am reading Authority by Nathan Barry.

A couple of days a go I participated in his live stream and asked a couple of questions about the subject of the book.

“How do I get over writers block? How do I create a habit of writing?“

Turns out I don’t need to worry about writers block, first I need to get into the habit of writing.

But why do I want to write or even follow on the path that Nathan sets out in Authority?

The premise of Authority is that one can make a leaving authoring a technical book.

“The main idea I want to leave you with from this book is this: if you know a skill that other people use to make money, you can make a living by teaching that skill.”

And Nathan proposes that one way of writing a book and at the same time building an audience to whom sell that book is by consistently writing and sharing what you write.

I am specially interested in writing consistently to build up some material that I may use later.

I consider myself knowledgeable in matters some use to make money off and the idea of making a living by sharing that knowledge sounds noble enough that I want to give it a try.

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